A Voyage Beyond:

Shows & Public Events

Discover a symphony of minds with Mind2Mind, transcending realms and unraveling mysteries in their astounding public performances, notably, Connected. The spectacular takes place at the iconic Jumeirah Beach Hotel, showcasing the unparalleled duo—James and Marina—as they meld magic and mentalism, navigating the unseen terrains of human connection and shared consciousness.

Connected: A Synchrony of Minds

Connected is not merely a show; it's a journey through the uncharted corridors of human connection and shared thoughts. Audiences witness the profound synchrony and mutual cognition of James and Marina, traversing the hidden harmonies that bind two minds and challenging established beliefs.

The Chorus of Astonishment: Reviews from Connected

The video here contains reflections of the enchanted, a collection of public acclaims and testimonials for those who have borne witness to the marvels of Connected. Delve into the real-time reflections and testimonials of those who have just emerged from the tapestries of illusion, their astonishment and awe captured in the immediacy of the moment.

Video Chronicles: Criss Angel

Step into the enigma and witness a heartfelt endorsement from the legendary illusionist and the acknowledged number 1 magician on the planet, Criss Angel. With a career adorned with unparalleled innovations in the world of magic and numerous accolades, Criss Angel's words carry a weight of authenticity and profound respect for the art.

In this exclusive video chronicle, Criss Angel not only shares his commendations but fervently beckons audiences worldwide to experience the marvels and groundbreaking mentalism of Mind2Mind's unparalleled show, "Connected." He emphasizes the uniqueness of their act, highlighting the synergy between James and Marina, which crafts a seamless fusion of mentalism and magic, creating a realm where wonders are palpable and every moment is steeped in astonishment.

His words echo a universal call, inviting both enthusiasts and curious minds to plunge into the world sculpted by Mind2Mind, allowing them to be a part of an extraordinary journey filled with enigmas, revelations, and moments of sheer awe. Criss Angel’s endorsement serves as a testament to the dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of perfection embodied by Mind2Mind, further solidifying their stature in the global magical community.

Witnessing such high praise from a maestro like Criss Angel is not merely an endorsement; it's a confluence of visions and an unspoken bond between artists who transcend the conventional, who redefine the boundaries, and who aspire to touch the human spirit through their art.

This heartfelt recommendation is an invitation to all—to step forth into the shadows of the unseen and to witness the amalgamation of skill, connection, and enigma that is Mind2Mind's "Connected." Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of a transcendental experience, where each act unfolds a new layer of the extraordinary, echoing the words of Criss Angel and letting the world witness magic like never before.

Mind2Mind Connected Show Details

Location: Meyana Auditorium, Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai, UAE

Time: 19:45

Date: Weekly, details here

Duration: 75 minutes

Price: From 199 AED


The Daily Star & The $100,000 Challenge

by Dubai's Top Magician & Mentalist Duo

The Daily Star were so interested and intrigued following a recent national television appearance that they invited Mind2Mind, Dubai's top magician duo, to perform in their offices for key employees. They believed the only explanation to their talents must be secret electronic devices such as cameras hidden in the blindfold, earpieces or Morse code transmitters. 

Of course, Mind2Mind were happy to accept this challenge and to be put to the test! Following the show, The Daily Star team were so impressed that they offered a full retraction. The spokesperson said “I’m now 100% convinced that Mind2Mind do not use secret electronics, it really is incredible”. This was the start of the $100,000 challenge.

Now you can get involved! The challenge is available for any sceptics. If you’d like to put Mind2Mind to the test, then get in touch for a chance at winning the $100,000. The rules are simple - If Mind2Mind can’t prove beyond reasonable doubt that they don’t use secret electronics to communicate with each other, the claimant will be entitled to $100,000 payable within 30 days. If Mind2Mind successfully prove otherwise, the claimant must post a video on social media with the story.

Challengers are encouraged to contact info@mind2mind.live to make a claim.